Immediately, beginning on October 8, the vocal Hamas Choir began a worldwide cry to demand
a cease-fire to protect the peace-loving citizens of Gaza. The Innocent population. On campuses
in the US, Europe, and Australia, keffiyeh-wearing students marched to show solidarity with
Hamas and applaud the campaign of atrocities perpetrated by savage and inhuman terrorists.
The campaign to try to prevent Israel from striking back was begun immediately and vocally.
The US administration stood fully behind Israel and loudly proclaimed Israel’s right to defend
herself. But it didn’t take Biden(or his advisers) long to realize that the Arab vote could be lost
in light of the US support of Israel. Biden, Blinken, and Harris immediately began to speak out
of the other side of their mouth and demanded Israeli restraint. Biden did not demand a “cease
fire”. Rather he was pressuring Israel for a “pause” in the fighting, as if there was a difference.
Unfortunately, the Democrats know they can always count on the Jewish vote, so they can take
the Jews for granted.
Those of us who weren’t born yesterday saw the handwriting on the wall from the very start
when Biden rushed to Israel to “review” Israel’s military plans.
While in Israel, ‘General’ Biden exerted enormous pressure to force Israel to let Hamas off the
hook. Meanwhile, the other side of his mouth assured the Jewish voters that the US stood firmly
behind Israel’s right to self-defense. Blinken, one of the architects of the Iran nuclear giveaway
under that famous friend of Israel Obama, kept shuttling to Israel in a frenetic effort to slow the
IDF down.
Biden and co. keeps assuring the pro-Hamas lobby among the Democratic members of Congress
and in the “Arab street” in Michigan, that they want to prevent “innocent’ Palestinians from
suffering because of the despicable deeds of Hamas. Even Vice President Harris joined in the
double talk as she warned Israel not to cause needless suffering among the civilian population.
However, she neglected to include in her military advice just how Israel can accomplish that.
Perhaps she learned such sage insight from her successful campaign closing the US southern
But just how uninvolved are the Palestinians living in Gaza and Judea and Samaria?
Back in 2021, a poll by the Palestinian Center for Policy and Survey Research revealed that over
59% of Palestinians were against any peace with Israel. In a more recent poll, 74.7% of
Palestinians were against the two-state solution, opting instead for one Palestinian state “from the
river to the sea”. No Israel
A recent opinion poll conducted by Bir Zeit University's Arab World for Research &
Development (AWRAD) revealed that a majority of surveyed Palestinians in the West Bank
support the October 7 massacre (83.1%) carried out by Hamas, and an even wider majority have
a positive view of the various terrorist factions. Gazans showed a similar zeal for Hamas and
their attack. It was revealed that ordinary Gazans drove across the Gaza-Israel border not to miss
out on the Oct 7 th blood orgy.
The Bir Zeit poll additionally reported that 98 percent of respondents felt more proud to be
Palestinian after Oct. 7 and that 90 percent felt "Coexistence is increasingly impossible."
So, where are these “peaceful” Palestinians of Biden?
How innocent are the Gazans when they teach their children math: “If you find 10 Jews and you
kill 3, how many Jews will be left to kill another day”?
This charade is reminiscent of the story in the Bible when Abraham was bargaining with God
about not destroying Sodom if they could find 50 righteous men. God agreed he would not
destroy the city for the sake of the 50. How about 40? What about 30? Perhaps 20? How about
10? And we know the city of Sodom was destroyed. There were not even 10 innocent or
righteous men there.
To lessen the impact on civilians, international pressure should bear down on Hamas, forcing
them to give back all remaining hostages. They should be pressed to stop hiding among the
civilians they care about.
Biden has been speaking out of both sides of his mouth. He proclaims Israel’s right to protect
her citizens in public, while he threatens to withhold aid unless the IDF stands down, in private
conversations with Netanyahu. This schizophrenic performance fools only those Democrats
who want to be fooled.
Of course, Netanyahu is no Menachem Begin.
In 1982, when Sen Biden of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee threatened Prime Minister
Begin with withholding military assistance unless Israel stopped building new communities in
Judea and Samaria (Yehuda and Shomron), a proud Menachem Begin retorted:
“ I am not a weak-need Jew who trembles at threats”
Begin continued to lead Israeli policy as needed and Israel received assistance from the United
But ‘Bibi’ is no Begin.
After Biden’s effort to threaten Israel with withholding aid succeeded, he was able to force the
IDF to stand down, to pause. Every military person understands that a pause only benefits
Hamas and allows them to reorganize. We all remember from our youth
“he who fights and runs away…lives to fight another day”.
A Hamas spokesman promised, in a press conference, that they are determined to repeat Oct 7
many more times.
As Menachem Begin admonished us years ago “When your enemy threatens to kill you, believe
This is why Israel must wipe them out of Gaza. It is a kill-or-be-killed game.
Unfortunately, The Palestinian Arabs support Hamas not because they have to but because
they want to. They have consistently chosen death and destruction then coexistence and
As Abba Eban famously said after the Geneva Peace Conference with Arab countries (December
21, 1973). “The Arabs never miss an opportunity…..To miss an opportunity”
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